From Cambodia to Japan

A Cambodian Student Looks at Life in Two Different Worlds

Iraq Iran

The title of this entry is misleading. This post is neither about Iraq war nor Iran nuclear issue. It's about a song: a Khmer song written by Mr. Fay Sam Arng and produced by SSB production company. It appears SSB has recently made so many songs in a short period that song writers can no longer find any interesting title for their songs. So they are forced to pick an odd title for a newly released song. It's called " Iraq Iran." Disappointingly, like the title of my post, the title of this song is misleading.

Check the below video, if you want to find out whether the song has anything to do with these two middle east countries.

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2 Responses to “Iraq Iran”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    It is kind of strange for this song. I do not realy understand what it is all about. Crack!  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    perhaps Fvay Somang was too interested in War in Iraq Iran that`S y he came up with such kind of frivolous lyric, lolz....  

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