From Cambodia to Japan

A Cambodian Student Looks at Life in Two Different Worlds

A Touching Story by e-Visa Travelers

A Touching Reunion After 8 Long Years

Klaus Moeller, Germany, 21 May 2007

I have traveled to Cambodia on two previous occasions. I went to Cambodia 8 years ago and fell in love with the country. Outside the temple of Angkor Thom was a little girl selling flutes. I took a photo of her and bought a flute.

When I came home, I looked at this photo for 5 years - always wondering why I did not help her more!

Well, a year ago - I went back to Cambodia with my daughter and 6 of her friends from school. I managed to have someone find the little girl. It was amazing to find her - it took us nearly a whole day!

And so we took the photo of her holding her old photo! It was wonderful - and this time we did take care of her and her family.

Klaus Moeller's Feedback on e-Visa

I have traveled to Cambodia on two previous occasions and was excited to try out your new e-visa service. I am absolutely amazed (pleasantly!) as how easy to use this service is. It took me all but 10 minutes, reduced costs by eliminating FedEx charges and I had my visa ready to print the next morning!

I travel frequently all over the world and not only is Cambodia all the way up as one of the greatest travel destinations - but it has the absolutely best and easiest Visa service of any country! Congratulations and many thanks.

Notre Petite Histoire

Guy Demaison, France, 23 May 2007

Voici mon histoire qui est certainement banale.Je suis le président d'une petite association humanitaires française qui oeuvre au Cambodge. Chaque année nous allons soignée et offrir des vêtements, des jouets et du riz au enfants défavorisés du Cambodge. A l'issue de chaque mission, nous envoyons à sa Majesté le roi du Cambodge un compte rendu détaillé de nos actions.

Voici mon histoire. Un jour, nous sommes arrivée plus tard que prévu dans la décharge de phnom penh pour ditribuer de la nouriture, les enfants étant déja parti travailler, nous avons alors découvert une fillette de 4 ans, déshydratée par une diarrhée, entourée de mouches et qui, sans un secours immédiat, allait mourir. Nous nous sommes mis alors avec frénésie, à la recherche de l a mère pour pouvoir amener cet enfant à l'hopital avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.

Après avoir courru à travers toute la décharge de long en large et épuisé, nous avons enfin trouvé la mère et avons transporté la petite fille à l'hopital ou elle a été sauvée.

Nous avons alors demandé à la mèren la raison de cette inaction de sa part. Elle nous a alors expliqué qu'elle ne pouvait pas se permettre de cesser le travail pour consulter un médecin sans mettre en danger la vie de ses autres enfants.

My Story About Cambodia

Jessica Beltran, United States, 25 May 2007

First off i would just like to say Cambodia is a beautiful country, with beautiful people who are so pure and kind. I loved every moment i spent in Cambodia, i plan to return again one day. My heart goes out to the people of Cambodia.

After my time spent in Cambodia i realized what selfish life many americans live, we only think about ourselves, our needs, and complain about things not ever being good enough. I just want to say its time for americans to get out of there selfish world and think about the rest of the world and be grateful for the things you have.

The people of Cambodia have soo very little but the little they have they cherish, and its amazing how the country of Cambodia has suffered soo badly but yet the people and children are still very happy.

My heart fell in love with the children of cambodia I helped out in 5 different orphanages with 11 other people i traveled with. These kids are beautiful and they fall in love you with you the moment you enter and you fall in love with them. Even though the language barrier was difficult they make every effort to talk with you and play with you. I loved every moment of spending time with these kids.

The hardest part was saying good-bye some of these children didn't want to let go. I recommend on your visit to Cambodia to visit the orphanages and remember to be grateful the little you have and show your love to the people of cambodia.

Clockwork Radio

Anthony and Helen Pearson, Cumbria, 24 May 2007

My daughter bought me a clockwork radio for Christmas a couple of years ago. I never used it, being addicted to my tiny short wave radio, which enables to access the BBC World Service. I took the clockwork radio with me to Cambodia in February 2007. Each evening from our hotel in Phnom Penh, we saw two ladies go down to the river to bathe. They submerged themselves up to their necks and removed their clothing to wash, before redressing and climbing out onto the river bank to dry. My wife and I reasoned that they only had one change of clothes.

We went down to the riverside, and with the help of a passing English speaking Cambodian, gave the ladies the clockwork radio. They looked astonished.

Two nights later we were walking along the river bank and saw a group of people huddled in a circle, our two ladies were among them. There, in the centre of the circle was the clockwork radio playing Cambodian music. We didn't disturb them, just walked on past, but feeling rather a nice glow inside.

David, The Moto Driver

Omar Montenegro, Argentina, 23 May 2007

His name is not David but due to our inability to pronounce his Cambodian name he agreed to his new, temporary western name. He was our driver in Phnom Penh.

David knows everything about his city. During our week stay, he showed us many wonderful places, including great ones off the tourist guides.

The last day David took us to the airport. After saying good bye, there was a silent, sad moment. It was obvious that David had touched our hearts with his friendly, warm personality.

David's English is good, occasionally he surprised us with very advanced vocabulary. If you run into David don't hesitate to hire him and please tell him about these lines.



Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation